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We surveyed 100 Individuals...

A survey about sex, strippers, and psychology was conducted for men and women ages 18 to 22. Questions in the survey included "Do you consider yourself a feminist?" and "Would you ever consider stripping as a profession?". Our survey is not intended to provide an accurate representation of the perception of society-at-large. Instead, it was designed to solicit more open-ended reactions from respondents.















How do you display your sexuality?

Female, 21

“By wearing what I feel like that day. If I want to show some cleavage, then I do. If I want to wear tighter clothes or even more flowing dresses, then I will. I also wear makeup and curl my hair when I want to. But there are also days where I put my hair up in a hat with no makeup and feel just fine too.”


Are you a feminist?

Female, 20

“I believe I'm more of a ‘equalist’ than a feminist. I believe both men and women have problems. Women of course in the workforce by our salary compared to a man (honestly our ‘PMS’ shouldn't be a reason why we can't do our job) but men in home life. Why does society still give a strange look when a man decides to stay at home while his wife goes to work? Why do we see the man as a weak or lazy individual if he isn't the bread winner in his house hold?"



















Responses toward the question “would you consider stripping?” evoked both criticism and praise for the profession. One female responded, “it should create a stronger movement if women celebrate other women’s choices”. Others looked at a larger picture of the stigmas associated with stripping and acknowledged society's somewhat flawed interpretation. “I think the way society views stripping and porn stars in the sex industry hurts progress in general, not just for the movement towards women’s rights. If anything, these women are exerting their right to be independent”.


Would you ever consider becoming a stripper?

Female, 18

“No, because I don't want anyone objectifying my body. Most times when you choose one of those professions, you are not running the show. You probably have a male boss who uses you for his own personal gain. I want to be able to own my body, not have someone else take control.”


Would you ever become a stripper? 

Female, 19

“I have no material objection. If I felt it was something I wanted to do, then I feel no pressure to not do it. Some may look at me and call me a slut and a whore, but I’ll know that I am making an honest living doing something I enjoy”. 

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